In addition to our book, Raising an Organized Child, you can also find valuable advice and information in our recent contributed pieces and articles.

Parenting in a Pandemic
It is a well-known fact that children thrive when there are routines. The daily life for most children is pretty mapped out and organized. But, as children suddenly need to stay sequestered home due to this unprecedented response to the coronavirus, unless parents are planful, it is easy for the structure to fall apart. When structure falls apart, restlessness sets in and chaos can take over. Staying organized is the key to keeping your sanity.

5 Ways to Outsmart Your Kids So They Finally Do Their Chores
With the right tactics, you don’t have to fight with your children about helping out around the house. If you are continually nagging your children about chores, take this first step: Stop using the word "chores." It conjures up a negative connotation. Instead think about them as developmental lessons that your children need to learn. While helpful to the family, a primary purpose of chores is to help children acquire new skills, such as learning about order, time management and being helpful.

Battling Boredom
At this point, you have protected your family by sheltering in place, sanitized your house, implemented routines and clarified the house rules. Some parents have transitioned to working from home and others have set up their children’s on-line education program. You are doing your best to keep the troops entertained. Yet, it is inevitable, after being cooped up in one place with the same people — day after day — sooner or later boredom will eventually creep in.
Sample of Recommended Games, Toys & Books
There are many educational books, games and supplies that are useful when Raising an Organized Child. Our developmental experts have compiled a selection of favorite resources. For your convenience, you can find the items via our Amazon links, or many can be found in local toy stores and book retailers.